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Home ยป News ยป Life Corp Portal is Open

Life Corp Portal is Open

Register to manage your in-game currency (LFC) and play our mini-game to win more.

This is your entrance to our universe. To register a profile, click the icon in the top-right corner. Your profile will show how much LFC you have even before TGE. After TGE, you’ll be able to get your currency by your vesting schedule there. But that’s not all!

Once per day until TGE, you can play a Supernova Shoot ‘Em Up mini-game to get a maximum of 10 Promo LFC. This currency is the bonus that you will get if you’ve participated in the public or private pre-sale (you should buy at least 100 LFC before TGE). It will be added to your account after TGE. If you do not participate in the public or private pre-sale, you still have a chance to receive the collected currency – after the TGE, we will randomly select 200 lucky winners.

Promo LFC will be distributed within the first week after TGE (before April 1).

Time to shoot some asteroids and enemy spaceships! Bang-bang!

Below is an example of how to do it, by one of our players.