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Staking Announcement

So, we’ve mentioned staking before but never gave you any details. Well, today we’re ready to tell you that staking will be available on April 12!

We know that many of you already know what that is, but we’ll explain it anyway, just in case. We are sure that our currency holders believe in the success of Life Corp and Supernova Shards in general, so they plan on keeping their currency for as long as possible. In our mind, this is the only valid strategy and we’ll reward those who follow it. The more LFC you hold for a longer period of time, the more rewards you will get.

Staking LFC will reward you with LFS – the governance token of the Life Corp. It will allow you to have the right to vote in our corporation and will give you a part of its earnings. And you’ll be able to sell them if you want to.

More details will be revealed on April 12, stay tuned, champions!
